Sadie and Daisy

We first heard about John when we adopted our rescue dog Sadie from Carolina PAWS this past June. Carolina PAWS warned us that Sadie would need a lot of time and training to feel comfortable and John would be the perfect trainer to help her. She had a very hard start to life and was fearful of everything, especially people. We already had another rescue dog named Daisy before we adopted Sadie. Daisy also had some problems that needed to be addressed. She was not obedient at all and was very leash aggressive. Walking her was absolutely miserable because she would lunge and bark at every dog she saw when on a leash. It was so embarrassing to take her anywhere. John came over and evaluated both dogs and immediately realized we would need to train Daisy first because Sadie could start mimicking her behavior. I was skeptical because we tried everything to help Daisy with leash aggression before meeting John but nothing worked. I thought she would just be this way forever. However, after just a few weeks working with John, Daisy showed MAJOR improvements. He was so patient and attentive with her. Now Daisy is a completely different dog. It is actually enjoyable for us to take her on walks and trips. She never barks or lunges at other dogs anymore. She even sits patiently and lets them pass her. Now that we have Daisy trained, we are applying the same principles John taught us with her and using them to train Sadie. Sadie is overcoming her fears slowly and becoming more comfortable with us. We get compliments all the time now when we take our dogs in public for how well behaved they are. John is a miracle worker!! I still can’t believe what a huge impact he had on both of our dogs. John always stayed in communication with us through texts and calls to make sure our dogs were doing well and to be there in case we needed any additional help. I recommend John to absolutely everyone who needs some extra help training their dogs!!! We will never go to anyone else!

Hannah and Richard


Ricky Bobby

“I am a first time dog owner and I was nervous.  Would I screw it up?  Would we bond?  Would he chew up everything?  Well, I am happy to report that Ricky Bobby and I are getting along great!  Ricky Bobby is a rescue from Carolina PAWS and has been in a couple homes.  The training that he received is exceptional and I could not be happier.

 John is a fantastic trainer and quickly put us both at ease.  We had several sessions and he is always available for advice and guidance.  The materials he supplied were easy to understand and follow. 

 Ricky Bobby and I enjoy our daily walks and I had no idea playing fetch would be so exhilarating!  He has so much energy and yet takes every command and is a joy to be with.  He has yet to chew up anything! 

 Thank you, John!  You are a miracle worker.”



My husband and I were on our last nerve of patience with Harper, our hound mix. She was destroying kennels, having constant accidents, showing aggressive towards my husband, and shredding furniture left and right. We tried medications, but that only pacified the real root of the problem. John came in, and from day one, strategically reversed Harper’s need for dominance in our household. He educated us through the entire process. Through several training sessions, Harper has made a complete 180. No more accidents, no more aggression, no more destruction. Harper truly has a new life and it is all thanks to John at Casey’s Legacy.

David and Olivia



John did an amazing job working with our rescue dog, Callie.
My wife and I rescued Callie when she was about 18 months old, and while she
was very sweet we had the usual challenges – very hard to walk on a leash, into
everything, chewing on the kids toys and trying to run out the doors of the
house when open. John came into our house, made us feel comfortable with the
training process, and within a couple of visits Callie was comfortable sitting
and staying on command as well as staying on her “place” when needed. Our first
rescue dog passed away a couple of years ago, and we never did any training
with him. John came in and in just a few lessons Callie is so well trained and
well behaved that I would never own another dog again without working with John

Michael and Megan


Lucy Lou, came to our family in such a sad hard time in her life. When we rescued her we knew her past was dark, but we wanted to make her future brighter. There were always some bumps in the road & trust me there still are, but oh how far she’s come. One day during the hard times we came home to our couch tore up because of separation anxiety & her not being able to stay in a crate. She chewed up her old metal crate & we were afraid she was going to hurt herself. This is the day we called John. Not only was he so helpful right there over the phone, but he explained to us how Lucy was feeling & helped us understand her better. After several training sessions and more hard times with Lucy we finally reached the good times. Lucy can now walk perfectly on a leash, comes when she is called & can stay in her place when asked! She is the biggest cuddle bug and loves her sister! John never ever pushed Lucy farther than he thought she could go & was always checking in on her progress & still does to this day. Lucy is a fun, but still somewhat scared of the unknown German Shepherd that just loves life. John helped us change the way we looked at training Lucy & he helped us really understand her & her personality. Without John we would still be where we were with Lucy & probably another torn up couch. So thankful for John & Casey’s Legacy without them Lucy would have never found her way or her confidence! Thank you again John our family is so thankful for all you’ve done for us!! 


Samantha and  Chris


We were having a lot of anxious aggression issues with our new White German Shepherd. Shortly after our Golden Retriever passed away, Gage became dog reactive and maybe aggressive. To complicate matters he is not food motivated so I was struggling to train him based on past experiences. I realized I had to seek outside help. His issues were out of my realm of knowledge and I would not be providing him with the proper training that he needed to be a happy, successful family member.

I reached out to Casey's Legacy from a referral and John was quick to do an assessment of what we were dealing with - and quick to avoid a bite. He provided us with a perspective of the problems we were having and a course of action to overcome them with regular enforced training, structure and a lot of homework.

After many months of working together, John has taught me how to provide Gage the structure and training he needed to overcome his fear and anxiety issues. He is now comfortable in situations he would not have been prior to contacting Casey's Legacy. John has also been quick to tell me when I am the root of the problem and not Gage, which I think I appreciate the most. With John's expert knowledge and instruction, Gage has gone from a dangerous dog to a happy, fantastic companion. I have bonded with him like I could not have imagined prior to this journey. Thank you Casey's Legacy!!



“We adopted our dog Max from the Southeast German Shepherd Rescue 8 years ago and John has proven you can teach an old dog new tricks.

“We adopted Max as a 1-year-old shepherd with very few issues other than just wanting to be part of a family. Our existing family consisted of an older dog and 3-year-old daughter, which Max adjusted to seamlessly. Given that he adjusted so well, we never did any formal training with him. He was potty trained, walked well on a leash, exhibited little reactivity to other animals and was a great family companion.

“When our older dog passed, Max took on a new role in our family dynamics and became more protective of us and territorial in our home. We had called several trainers who turned us away due to Max’s age and because he was a German Shepherd. Without hesitation, John came in to help us. We started with the basics, acknowledged his triggers and worked through all aspects. This translated to a more relaxed, comfortable state for Max inside our home and in the outside world.

“John is patient, knows and reads dogs instinctively, communicates effectively, follows up routinely and is undoubtedly passionate about helping. He is a wonderful trainer and has changed our relationship for the best. It has been our privilege to work with John and we could not possibly thank him enough for all he has done for our family.”



“Laika came to me through Southeast German Shepherd Rescue, arriving at her final home at the end of a long and tumultuous journey. She was shy of both new people and new experiences but, thanks to John's help, was able to quickly adapt. He had worked with her during her initial stay in the foster system and upon her return.

“By the time he brought her to me he was familiar with both her history and her personality and was able to train me how to keep up with the excellent training foundation he had built with her. Throughout Laika's journey, and through the duration of her life with me, John was available and supportive as a resource to continue her training and to ensure her success in her forever home. His program is passionately dedicated to the support and training of dogs to ensure that they have successful and stable lives with the people who love them.

“Whenever Laika meets new people they are very complimentary of her manners and training, which I have maintained thanks to her excellent start with Casey's Legacy.”

— Ann


“If you are the owner of a rescue pup who is struggling with behavioral issues, you need to call Casey’s Legacy, Inc. today. By the time I contacted John, my three-year-old German Shepherd was badly misbehaving, hardly listened to commands and exhibited leash reactive behavior (e.g. lunging/barking at other dogs, bicyclists and runners while on a leash). I was determined to not give up on him, but John’s number was the last on a list of 10 dog trainers, all of whom scoffed and hurried me off the phone when I asked if they could help with leash reactivity. I was at my wits’ end. But luckily, John was just as determined to not give up on us. He’s worked with us for 2+ years now, with countless hours of sessions, phone calls, texts, etc. He’s an incredibly genuine person, with a big heart, who truly wants to help you and your pup overcome his/her issues. He’s also one of the few trainers I’ve ever met who is effective at communicating with both dogs and their people. He’s even put up with me crying during a couple of training sessions! Now, I get compliments from strangers about how well-behaved my dog is. He no longer reacts while on a leash and now trusts me as much as I trust him. John was instrumental in orchestrating this bond between my dog and me, and he truly gave us our lives back. I could not recommend him more.”



“I adopted my girl Zea from a rescue. I hadn't had a large dog in years, or a GSD since I was a kid. John was so helpful and understanding. He had already worked with her through the rescue, so he was familiar with her personality. He walked my family and I through basic commands with her, came to our home several times to check our progress and offered ways to improve. (John) has always made himself available when we had questions, and has checked up on us pretty regularly. It was a great experience working with him.”



“We adopted Jax a few months after losing our 8-year-old German Shepherd. We knew we wanted a younger dog, and although he needed extra care, we knew Jax would be a perfect fit the moment we met him. Being experienced GSD owners and having gone through training with our first dog, I figured I could handle him on my own. Boy, was I wrong. Thankfully John was willing to come to our rescue when our pup got too comfy and started acting out. After the first session, we started seeing results. John was amazing at assessing and working with our dog and me. He continued to build Jax’s confidence and my leadership role within our pack. He was able to work through biting issues, basic obedience, and now we are successfully off leash training.”



“I highly recommend John as a dog trainer! He’s knowledgeable, professional, committed and has everyone’s best interest in mind when training. Our dog, Levi, was rescued from the street when he was young and as years progressed he grew more and more aggressive to other dogs and people. I had taken him to two other dog trainers with very little success. After two vets had suggested to euthanize Levi, an area rescue program encouraged me to contact John. From the very first meeting, Levi and I began to change for the better! Within a few sessions, I had complete control and many strategies to assist with Levi’s needs. In addition to one-to-one training, John continues to frequently check-in, offers refresher sessions, tackles new issues and provides feedback from our home video sessions. John changed Levi’s behaviors, which is allowing him to have the brightest future!”



“When I took Lily to John, I was at my wits’ end. She ran off all the time to terrorize the neighborhood, and was aggressive toward other dogs and people. I could never take her out in public. I was ready to find her a new home and took her to John for training as my final attempt at fixing the situation.

“John completely changed things with Lily. She listens much better and understands what I'm asking her to do. We go out on hikes all the time now, and love to chill at the brewery for an afternoon. She still has some aggression issues, but we both know how to work through them. John taught me how to read Lily's signals and adjust before things got out of hand. He's completely changed my relationship with Lily and helped me to keep a really great puppy. I can't recommend John enough, he's a fantastic trainer and is the best dog whisperer.”



“I can’t recommend the Casey’s Legacy, Inc. team enough! Our first walk on a leash with our rescue pup Ellie was a disaster, and that’s putting it mildly. I clearly remember my husband throwing her leash across the yard in frustration when we got home. We didn’t have a clue when it came to training her and were lost as to what to do. Thank goodness we found John! His work with Ellie transformed our puppy into a well-behaved dog that we can now take for walks without any issues and comfortably have around family and friends in our home without fear of her jumping on them or acting inappropriately. If we ever adopt another dog, John will definitely be our first call.”




“When Hurricane Florence was heading to Wilmington, N.C., my granddaughter arrived home with a rescue 2-year-old poodle mix. This temporary arrangement soon became permanent.

“We named him Murphy, which fits his personality. He is delightful, smart, comical, but very stubborn, and in a short time he had trained us very well.

“In search of a trainer, I met John with Casey’s Legacy, Inc. and was impressed with his knowledge and experience, and knew he was the one Murphy needed. I can't say enough great things about the training we have received. Thank you John!”



“When we adopted Tilley at age 7, it was clear she had some conditioned bad habits and really needed some structured guidance and leadership to thrive. Although sweet, Tilley had anxiety and some stubbornness. While she knew basic commands, she complied with them at her own discretion.

“John helped us learn the skills and techniques needed to build confidence in our pup and establish a lasting, trusting bond with her. He is incredibly knowledgeable and does a great job of teaching both the animal and owner simultaneously. John helped educate us on our own behaviors and how to best foster our relationship with Tilley.

“After several sessions and ongoing consistent training, Tilley has made tremendous progress and is absolutely thriving! She has significantly less anxiety and reacts much more positively to environmental stimulants like delivery trucks, children yelling and even other dogs barking on our walks. She is a fantastic on the leash and looks to us as her leaders, trusts us, and listens on command. Our friends, family, and veterinarian have all noticed a positive improvement in demeanor and behavior over time!

“In addition to our training sessions, John was very communicative and regularly checked in on our progress. He is still always available if we have a question or concern! He sought to understand both our needs and Tilley’s, so he could develop an approach and training plan that would work best for our family. He truly cares about the welfare of animals and educating owners on how to be effective leaders and responsible pet owners. We recommend John’s services without hesitation!”



“We adopted Raven in February of 2019. She is a beautiful German Shepherd — intelligent, loyal and full of energy. She especially loves to play ball and ride anywhere we will take her in the car. She came to us highly trained by Casey’s Legacy, Inc., so adapting to her new surroundings was easy. We are so happy to have Raven in our family. Everyone who meets Raven, loves Raven!”
—Sandy and Heinz


“I rescued my puppy on January 1, 2019. She was 10 weeks old at the time. This was my first time having a puppy to raise. 

“This past September, a friend referred John Harvey to me for training. We started the training in mid-September. I quickly came to realize that Bella ruled our home and immediate intervention was required. I also realized that I needed to be trained more than Bella. Less than a month later, Bella and I had come a long way. Now I have a relationship with Bella that I always wanted.” 

— Gladys


“I rescued Cane a little over a year ago from the Charlotte Mecklenburg Animal Shelter. When I brought him home he had behavioral issues when on the leash. I called John to assist me with help on this issue and, with great guidance and lessons, John helped solve those issues. I am now able to walk Cane around populated areas where others dogs are. I would strongly recommend John for your training needs.”

— Brent



“It is a huge help to have him not running to the door when my husband gets home. Thank you to John for working with us! Well behaved pups make this mamma happy.”

— Karen